Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today was a day of impulses for me. Nothing stupid, but it excited me greatly. First of all, it was an oddly warm day for December. The weather can only be described as California weather, in other words..... it was perfect!!  AND Lately, I'd been wanting to experience my city. You know....walk the streets and discover places I'd usually overlook while driving, and meet new and interesting people. I live in the heart of downtown, but I don't know it like I want to. I have this fantastic idea of the girl I want to be in my head....The spry, friendly, city girl with great legs, who knows all the thrift stores and the best place for Sunday brunch. The optimistic, charismatic hippie, who knows the flower shop owner, and all the streets by name.        Yeah right.
It's beyond a fantasy, but it's fun to imagine. It's even more fun to actually be like that girl once in a while. So today, while experiencing slight cabin fever and thinking about how I need to learn my city and that the weather was too perfect to miss, I decided to take my lunch/dinner, which was a pork burrito from Qdoba, to Centennial Park. It was around 530 and most of the gorgeous sunlight was fading into the West, and I knew by the time I had to walk home, it would officially be dark, which is scary downtown. BUT I really wanted to feel like that girl. So I threw on a trusty LBD (Little black dress), the tiniest jacket ever ( no really. this jacket is practically sleeves, in the fashion world, it's known as a shrug), and some t-strap flip flops, and headed out, burrito in hand.   

I enjoyed the porky goodness under a steel umbrella that was shaped like a flower. The lights on the trees glowed, and warmed me inside. Families walked, couples snapped pictures, stalkers stalked; I ate and observed. It got cooler as then sun set, and so I cursed myself for wearing a dress, which I'm currently donning. But then my phone rang, and it was Him..... my B-O-Y. He happened to be just around the corner. And just like that, I had an escort! His arrival was perfectly poetic...... He found me. He gasped when he saw me..... I didn't expect to meet romance at the park tonight, but I did, and it followed me home.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have the biggest caffeine-inflicted headache right now. Thanks to my double espresso Cubano from..... where else? Intermezzo. It was so black and thick, almost tar-like, pumped full of more caffeine than any human should consume in one sitting, and it kind of burned on the way down. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I can only imagine this is what a hangover feels like... maybe worse but I wouldn't know. It's kind of the effect I was going for I guess. 
I've been really emotional lately, mostly concerning a B-O-Y. So I just needed to be alone to hear my own thoughts. And it's really hard to hear my thoughts when I'm with him 'cause when I'm with him, I'm emotional goo, and nothing makes sense. (Is this just me or is this all women?) This friendship with this B-O-Y, like any relationship, is teaching me a lot about myself, and in order for me to express me feelings in the least emotional (and most rational) way possible, I have to be alone, I have to write, and I have to pray A LOT! And after that, the world seems to be at peace. 
So tonight I did all three AND I added the "caffeine bomb" to the equation. The world is at peace, but now I'm over-stimulated. And what was my rationalization to counter the effects of my lethal injection? A smoothie from R. Thomas. I figured a smoothie would make up for the nutrition that I did not encounter today, and it was the healthier alternative to a slice of caramel apple pie...... yes, definitely healthier. So I decided to walk an entire 1/2 block to R. Thomas, which is open 24/7 and I ordered the Busy Bee to go. But before I could get to the door, I ran into a a good friend of mine, who also happens to be an "ex" ..... I guess you could call him an ex.... whatever. He was out with his brother and a friend, celebrating a birthday. It was awkward on his part; I could tell. I don't know why.
(that was just a little nugget that made the night a tad more interesting)Anyway. 
Back to my smoothie. It's delicious. pear, banana, mango, dates, friggin Organic bee pollen!! I'm still enjoying it! It's like dinner and dessert all in one. R. Thomas's prices are too high for the quality of their food, but $6 for this smoothie is worth it to me. I will keep going back for this if nothing else! 
In conclusion, I still have a headache and I'm still wide awake, and this smoothie didn't help my "caffeine hangover" BUT it is delicous... you should go try one. BUT you should not, under any circumstances, buy or drink a double Cubano from Intermezzo.... 'Cause you'd be askin' for it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I feel lonely today. There are no lights on in my apartment. My cousin/best friend, Micah is working in the studio. And I'm alone. I had errands to run today...... They've all been run. All the phone calls have been made, and now it's getting dark outside. I want my phone to ring. But it's silent, and silence is not what I want right now. I want chatter and chaos.... or at least one other body within 5 feet of me. 
Days like this make me want a creamy bowl of soup, a gigantic scarf and an arm around my shoulders. I wonder.... Do married people feel this way in Winter as well?

Friday, November 14, 2008


Because I have been to Cafe Intermezzo 7+ times in between October and November, AND because I have been accompanied every time, AND because Intermezzo is .... let's face it.... over-priced, I'm forced to venture out and try some new spots...... alone. After all, if The Girl Who Eats Alone has a date, is she still The Girl Who Eats Alone? anyway.
The requirements for the new spots?? Twilight hours, coffees, teas, and desserts. Where did I end up on my first attempt to replace Intermezzo? Octane Coffee Bar on Marietta Street. Literally 5 minutes from my home, Octane is teeming with Georgia Techies, their laptops, 
and of course coffee. While the menu is nowhere near as extensive as Intermezzo (not by a long shot), they do offer the classics of the coffee variety: A coffee of the day, Cafe au lait, Espresso, Iced Coffee, etc. They also offer a host of teas ranging from Earl Grey to Organic Jasmine green tea. And if coffee and tea aren't really your.... well... cup of tea, Octane offers Arden's Garden fruit juices, sodas, and hot chocolate.
Food wise.... Octane isn't the place for a rib-sticking meal, rather, they present us with sandwiches and salads from 11 am to 5 pm and a small collection of food they offer all day which includes the soup of the day, a hummus platter, and homemade granola and yogurt among others. 
On this particular visit, I enjoyed the Potato Chowder and a Cafe au Lait.  I sat outside, and watched the cars pass by in the dark. It was freezing, and I kind of regretted my de
cision, but my pride kept me from going back in to sit with all the college students with their Dell laptops, Calculus chatter, and Georgia Tech hoodies. So i warmed myself with my paper cup of coffee and milk, and I watched my breath as I exhaled in silence, which is what I was searching for..... coffee and silence.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ten (cont'd)

So about my $10 dollar challenge........ it didn't quite happen because I never deposited my check. lol and so I really had no money..... but mysteriously enough, I was taken care of this weekend. So I'll have to try it another time when the people in my life aren't so generous =)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So today I had a massage session with my only client, whom I see every two weeks. I thank God for her every time I go see her because she's been with me for 5 months, and has stayed consistent through economic "down time". She's an angel. She's kept a lot of food on this table for one. And I know we'll be working together for a good while. 
So ...... from the money I earned today, I will allot myself ....... $10 to spend on food for the next couple of days =/ .... I'm not sure this can be done, but it's a good challenge for me. I may be fine if I avoid Starbucks at all costs..... or if I haggle strangers for spare change..... or if I catch a date...... not Dutch

Hmmmmm, or all three! 

I'll let you know how it goes.....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I just wanted to let you all know that I accomplished something that will rocket me into the next part of my life. I passed my National Certification Exam for Massage Therapy!!! Which means, I can get my license! Which means I can get a job, and make some money!!!! And when I have money I can eat!! And when I can eat, I can write. And I do want to keep writing.

The best part about working, though, is being independent from my parents,who've been supporting me since birth. They pay for the condo in Atlanta, my gas, and groceries. I'm only 19 so I don't feel bad about still needing them, but we're going through tough times in our personal finances and with our family business. So I really feel compelled to help wherever I can. My cousin and I help out at the restaurant -Ponko Chicken- four days a week, for less than minimum wage. This was my first job; I've been working since 1999, and although I think my wages were higher when I was ten, I am more than happy to help my family because they are my world.

But I am super excited about finally stepping into one of my callings and being paid for soemthing I love to do, and I'm even more excited to be able to support myself and maybe even help the parents with some bills. What could be better?

So I'll be looking for a job at a spa in Atlanta. Any suggestions, you massage junkies? Let me know!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I hereby renounce my affiliation with South Beach Diet. 

Onto the next frontier.... I'll let you know how it goes.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a 1:30 a.m. appointment with a Ghirardelli Fudge Brownie.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Lately, all I've been wanting to do is sleep. I have no energy because I'm on the South Beach Diet, which eliminates carbs that I'm acclimated to.  Phase one eliminates all carbohydrates from your diet..... no flour, sugar, grains, fruits, and some veggies. You can imagine how this has affected my foodie lifestyle!! Phase 2 allows you to add some fruits and whole grains back into the diet (apples and oatmeal thank God!) And phase 3 is a maintenance program. So for the past two weeks I've consumed 0 carbs, and if you didn't learn this equation in Algebra II.......
 0 Carbs=0 Energy.....0 Energy=Frequent napping.....Frequent napping=No Life

For a girl raised on pasta, bread, grits, potatoes, and Fuji apples, I am quite proud to have abstained this long. You may ask, "Why, O' Perfect One, do you feel you need to torture yourself on this diet?" And I may reply, "Well, reader, my cousin and I plan to go to South Beach, Miami with our dear friend Ashton. And we all decided to jump on the South Beach bandwagon so that we can be sexy in Miami...... in December no less! 
(Also, I have some extra lovin' that I don't think looks so lovely)" 
And although I'm sure only 1/3 of the group actually stuck to the plan (isn't it obvious?), here I am at Week 3 enjoying low glycemic index (GI) carbs like sweet potatoes and grapefruits.
The program promises substantial weight loss (8-13 lbs. in the first two weeks and 2 lbs per week after that) and I've seen it work for my uncle Abe and my cousin Noah. They dropped weight like a hot potato! 
I haven't noticed ANY changes, and I don't think anyone else has. You may say.... "Hey Arin, why don't you weigh yourself and track your progress?" And I say, "Good question, reader. I have a scale, but it tells everyone that they're 180 lbs." You can imagine my discouragement when my brother, Zack (2 years older and 8'' taller than I), told me that we weigh the same. 

Great =/

I don't have another scale, and I don't have access to one. So if I have lost weight, I don't know about it, which I think should be a crime. BUT like most people, I try not to go by the numbers on the scale; real results show in how your clothes fit. Right? There have been no changes.

I feel like all this discipline is in vain, and although I see mood changes (random fits of rage followed by depression followed by extreme cravings for beef), I don't see physical changes. For a minute, I felt like quitting and celebrating my failure with twin pumpkin doughnuts from my friendly, neighborhood Dunkin' Donuts, and maybe a bowl of cheese grits as a chaser!

But I decided against quitting, and faithfully, I moved into phase 2. I'm happier now that I can eat fruit and some carbs, and I have a lot more energy. Hopefully, I will lose some weight because I have a goal to meet...... I need to look like Jessica Biel before December 17 2008.
Do not question my motives, reader! Because I've learned a lot during these painful two weeks. I learned that I do have will power. I now know that I need a new scale. I learned that it's almost impossible for me not to think about bread, and that ice cream made with Splenda IS real! and it's darn delicious, especially right from the carton. 

I'll be sure to post my progress (or lack thereof) while on phase 2. Hopefully, soon I'll get to say that I weigh less than my big brother!!! 

 *I have not asked my father for permission to vacation in Miami with Micah and Ashton. I'm sorry this is the way I'm asking you Dad. But can I please go to Miami with Micah and Ashton????

Monday, September 29, 2008

Six (dollars)

I slept until 4 p.m. today. So naturally I wanted to get out of the house. I considered going to Lenox Mall, but the daunting $6 in my wallet stopped me. So instead, I found myself at Starbucks on 7th and Peachtree, which is walking distance from where I call home (I didn't walk). $6 at the mall can get me.... alotta nothin' .... BUT $6 at Starbucks can make a girl feel like a real baller(ette) when the money is spent well. 
The possibilities are endless:
1 grande Iced Tea and a cinnamon scone OR  1 coffee cake and 2 old fashioned doughnuts, OR a Venti Chai Tea Latte and a 7 layer bar OR a Tall Iced Caramel Macchiato and 3 mini Vanilla Scones. Decisions, decisions. 
I finally decided on an unsweetened Black Iced Tea + one and a half Sweet'n'Lows, nixing the Cinnamon Scone (I'm not doing sugar or flour).  I usually opt for the simple things at Starbucks, mostly because refills are $0.54!! And you know what I found out? If you have at least $1 on a Starbucks gift card, refills are free! I happen to have six cents on mine, so I'll wait 'til another day to whip it out because I can't afford to give up another dollar. 

After I grabbed my tea, I grabbed a seat outside. I was happy I'd chosen Starbucks rather than the mall because I saved gas, I could sit outside and enjoy the cool, breezy weather, and I was front and center to the symphony of speeding Range Rovers, chatting passersby, and the woman next to me coughing with a mucilaginous cadence . Ya just can't get that at the mall!! 

And for you ol' folk:
1.living large with girls and money. 2. the act of being fly or cool.

Friday, September 26, 2008


If God ever decided that He wanted all the holiness and majesty of heaven to be readily available for human consumption, I truly believe that He would choose a fish. But not a fish of proud origins or a fish with celebrity like the Salmon, Grouper, or Sea Bass. Oh no! I believe the Lord Our God would choose the lowly, humble Cod..... more specifically the Gindara- Kasu from Hashiguchi Jr.- a gem of a restaurant, and my favorite spot for authentic Japanese food.
There are NO words to describe my excitement when the waitress (from Japan!!) delivers me a piece of sake-soaked Cod no more than 4oz. in weight. Each bite makes me dance in my seat (I dance for no one!), and it's not uncommon for me to order two. I can honestly say that no other food in the world (so far) makes me quite as happy. 

Friday, September 5, 2008


Last night, I went to one of my favorite late-night spots, Cafe Intermezzo in mid-town Atlanta. It's the perfect ending to any late night, whether you're on a date or an outing with the girls. Anytime coffee and sweets are a must and Starbucks has shut it's hallowed doors, we find ourselves at Intermezzo. This Viennese-style cafe is locally famous for it's wide array of hot chocolates, teas, coffee drinks and pastries. The Mexican Hot Chocolate and the Belgian Chocolate Tea-yes chocolate tea-are highly recommended. 

No matter how decadent the cheesecake, one thing that isn't always so sweet is how big the check can be at the end of the night. Over-all, Intermezzo is a bit pricey. So, single girls on a budget, who don't have man candy picking up the tab, should opt for EITHER a dessert OR drink. When I'm craving something rich, I head straight for the dessert case for a banana cheesecake or Tiramisu. Otherwise, it's piping hot tea for me ..... and so far, the Belgian Chocolate is winning.  But if you MUST have coffee with your dessert, a regular cup is just $2.85

For those of you who can't afford to indulge at all, I encourage you to go anyway:
1. The cozy atmosphere is created by warm candle light and eclectic tunes.  The patio is especially nice and breezy, and quite enjoyable if your grubbing or not.
2.Water is ALWAYS free, and if anything, scan the menu and at least ACT like you intend to order.
3. If you have cool friends, one of them may offer to treat you to a pecan pie and an ol' cuppa joe!

Friday, August 22, 2008

(One is the new)Three

Tonight, I rounded a new corner in the journey I call "singleness". I have scoffed others who have turned this very same corner and deemed it a personal taboo. I swore I'd never EVER go to the movies alone. It just seems so pitiful: no one to laugh with during the funny scenes, no one to share a giant tub of popcorn with, and no one to go refill that tub of popcorn. Movies are made to be a social affairs, and common date territory. So how does one tackle the silver screen el solo? By dressing up, of course, and finding the pros of going alone. 

I'm glad I finally conjured the courage to whip out my free Regal Cinemas movie pass, which was fossilizing in my wallet, because despite my inner shame and initial embarrassment, it was an empowering experience.

1. There was a plethora of seats to choose from. Let's face it, single movie-goers have the pick of the litter; there are always enough seats for parties of that magic number (Three is not the magic number, so you can just take that 'School House Rock' education and throw it out the window). There were no seating limitations due to the size of my group, one!
2. I didn't have to compromise where I wanted to sit for anyone. I had a sense of independence I  had never felt because I realized something about myself -  Darn it! I like sitting in the last row!
3. I spent my money on myself ($8.50 to be exact), although not rare, it's empowering nonetheless!
4. I had the luxury to choose if I was going to high tail it home OR to linger and enjoy the breezy night. Either way I didn't have to wait for anyone; I was on my own time, and I loved it!!

I used to pity the one who entered a movie theater unaccompanied and dateless, but after my full conversion tonight, I see that solo movie-watchers should not be pitied, but rather, esteemed..... for laughing out loud even when we don't have a "boo" to nudge on the funny parts.... for sitting next to strangers.... and for taking a stand (or seat) and showing others that being alone doesn't make you lonely
The real value from tonight was learning to enjoy myself..... BY MYSELF!!! As much as I want (and think I need) a companion to buy my movie tickets and popcorn (and more importantly, refill that popcorn) no one else will enjoy me, if I can't enjoy me. After all, I have to live with myself for the rest of my life; no one else does.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Lately, it seems that Saturday nights at my house are synonymous with 3 a.m. plates of bacon, grits, and delicious cheesy eggs, movies on laptops, lots and lots of loud music, and dishes. After church, the boys come over (5 to be exact), write, and record their music in the studio which happens to occupy the bedroom in our one-bedroom condo! Imagine that. And oddly enough, the number of participants in our "bed-and-breakfast weekends" seems to grow every week as does our grocery list for breakfast foods. The music continues into the dawn- the sun is up by the time we're all settled down to go to sleep. And if its not the laughter that keeps any prudent juvenile from wandering into a lovely sleep, it's the blaring music for sure! 
Needless to say, they sleep here, nestled in large cocoons like snoring speed bumps on the carpet. 
But no one- absolutely no one goes to sleep without first sampling (or inhaling) Lawrence's breakfast creations. This morning's menu included roast beef cheddar eggs, fluffy pancakes, sunny D, and assorted hot teas. His food is simple, always well-seasoned, and comforting. What could be better? Especially at 3 a.m. My friend even harbors the humility to serve his dishes to the salivating partakers. AND cleans up after himself! Ladies, can we say "KEEPER"? 
It's a rare and glorious thing to witness a man grace a kitchen with his presence, whether he wandered in to browse the fridge, or God forbid to wash a dish. It's even rarer and more glorious to witness a man engage the kitchen appliances (all but the microwave) to create rib-sticking deliciousness. One word comes to mind when describing this sight; I'm sure you'd agree the word is "sexy". 
And I say "sexy" in the most platonic sense of the word, objectively. You see, we'd never allow the gang to stay here if they weren't all seen as brothers and cousins. So although I do admire my friend for his belief that "cheese makes everything better"and his stove-top talents, at the end of the day, all I lust over are his roast beef, cheddar eggs. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


How does one begin her very first blog ever? It fails me. I am overwhelmed to know that possibly millions of people will have insight to my psyche-something I'll admit I don't have insight to. That type of intimacy is foreign to me; it scares me and welcomes me, and I am tempted to know how it feels.

The purpose of this Blog serves mainly as a therapeutic outlet for me, but I also have hopes that it may be entertaining and perhaps inspiring to all who stumble upon it.
I didn't come into this with a set topic to write on. The truth is you have no reason to ever read any blog I post. I'm not an expert on any topic by any means. I'm not a world-class traveller (yet); I'm not a college graduate; I can't tell you how to look ten years younger; and I can not and will not debate politics with you. And the truth is, none of that matters because I know a little bit about a lot of things, and so the saying "jack of all trades, master of none" is employed here. But I do know two things: I am a single woman in the city, and I LOVE food. These two simple truths are definite. So I'll take these truths, and we'll see where this goes......