Sunday, January 11, 2009


Field trip to the Farmer's market with grandma. Need I say more? All I could think was ... score, groceries!! She told me to get anything I wanted, and I imagined a refrigerator full of fresh produce, meat, and fruits!! O, the glory and bounty of the International Farmer's Market! I could imagine all the dishes made with love that I would serve to the ones I love, hot and steaming, and all I managed to come away with was a bag of grapes, and some green tomatoes. You'd think I would have filled the basket or two, if you could see the dire condition of my fridge. This was no time for selfish gain, however, I was too busy letting my 85-year-old grandmother attempt to steer a basket she could barely see over.  I did, though, grab the tomatoes out of ambition. I've been wanting to cook new items for myself more, and Fried Green Tomatoes seem simple enough.... plus they're deeeeelish!!! Fried green tomatoes are a staple of the south, and I want to add them to my repertoire of "Things I can make with my eyes closed" So when I obtain what I deem a worthy (and simple) recipe, I will post it, along with a picture of my creation......

1 comment:

One Concerned Mother said...

Correction. Your Grandma turned 86 on January 3rd, remember? You're a good girl for taking her to the market, you made her day. :)